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Making Mindset a Part of your Legal Practice

By May 15, 2018May 16th, 2018No Comments4 min read

We all WANT to be happy.

We all WANT to be effective.

But the pressure and stress of practicing law can make that challenging, and it’s difficult to break the cycles of stress and worry and step into embracing change.

I created Mind Over Law to help lawyers bring needed change to their personal lives and their careers.

During a recent Thoughtleader Thursday, I chatted with one of my amazing clients Jacqui Ford, who was fresh off a Western District Federal Court victory, to discuss how Mindset Mastery has shifted her career and her focus to bring both happiness and make her trial practice more effective.

(Click here to watch her Facebook Live interview from this week)


Jacqui Ford, Criminal Defense Attorney

Jacqui Ford is a fierce and leading criminal defense lawyer in Oklahoma City. Opening her firm in 2011, she has devoted her career to serving clients and the legal profession through constant learning and advocacy. She is a graduate of the Trial Lawyers College and also teach seminars and CLEs for the Oklahoma Bar Association and the Oklahoma Criminal Defense Lawyers Association.

Yet, prior to working with me, Jacqui admits that her success in the courtroom always hinged on her anger and frustration. When arguing a case, she wanted the jury to be as mad as she was.

The Shift

She began working with me via private coaching in March of 2015. At the time, she was tired, stressed, full of anxiety and everything felt chaotic in her life.

She was ready for change.

She loved what she did – she just hated the way it made her feel.

Jacqui began following simple mindset practices to understand what she wanted and how to love the practice of law and feel like she was creating a life she wanted to live.

The Outcome

Jacqui’s life is completely different. She starts each day with meditation to set an optimal mindset.

In our Mind Over Law facebook group, she shared what mindset means to her:

“Mindset is about taking the power back in the courtroom and in my life. Before doing mindset work, I was reacting to all the things going on in from life -reacting to the prosecutor, to the judge, to my personal fears of judgment and criticism and my ego. I was always reactionary.”

The biggest change for Jacqui is being less reactionary and in control of what she’s bring to the courtroom.

“Learning to be aware of your energy is good, learning to shift your energy is good, but the true power, where you can change the conversation and flip the script of everything that is going on in a room is knowing how to tune into others. This is true power for me as a trial lawyer,” says Jacqui.


How does Jacqui do it?

  1. Daily Meditation. Jacqui starts each morning by taking fifteen minutes to set her intention. She does alone, guided, or by using an app.
  2. Breathing. In the courtroom Jacqui uses a method known as “7, 7, 7” breathing. She does this silently, and it allows to her let go of anxiety and be present– to forget about her history with a particular judge or prosecutor, and focus on what matters: her client.
  3. Daily Mindset Practice. She sets her intention and her mental state. She uses her shifted energy to model for juries what she wants them to understand. As she puts it, “I now model for my juries what I want them to give me and my clients – love, hope and trust. This is how mindset has changed how I connect with juries.”

Mindset practice is helping Jacqui to purposeful and intentional in choosing the clients she represents. Her success is expanding to leading a national trial team that works cases coast to coast.

If you’re ready to experience the magic that hundreds of other lawyers are using to become the happiest and most effective lawyers they know – join us in our private Mindset Mastery Mind Over Law Facebook Group or learn more here.


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