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Law PracticeLife

How One Habit Can Transform Your Life: Podcast with Dina Cataldo

By July 31, 2018No Comments1 min read

Am I enough? Enough for my clients, enough for my family, for myself.

Lexlee Overton has found that this central question lies at the heart of many lawyers, whether they realize it yet or not. Listen in on “Morning Roadmap” podcast #007 with host Dina Cataldo to hear Lexlee discuss this heartfelt question and more as she explores what it means to be an effective lawyer and a resilient, happy, person.

In this podcast you will hear validating, real-talk about the pressures of the practice of law and the stress, anxiety and overwhelm that can come with it. You’ll hear Lexlee and Dina discuss mindfulness, meditation, and how these types of reflective practices can help us be better lawyers and happier people.


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