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Helping lawyers go from breakdown to breakthrough.

Schedule A Free Discovery Call With Me

Helping lawyers go from breakdown to breakthrough.

Schedule A Free Discovery Call With Me

Lawyers experience a particular kind of burnout.

The weight of the cases … the stress of the job … the inability to find your balance.

And when you get to that point, it can feel like you’ve tried everything – and nothing has worked.

I get it. I’ve been there.

Eventually, I had to try something different.

I discovered that the stories we’ve lived and the experiences we’ve had can be what holds us back …

But learning to manage those experiences in a healthy way allows us to discover what drives us and bring what we have to the table in a powerful way.

It’s the intersection of Energy and Science – the intersection of what’s visible and what’s invisible.

I’ve helped people who didn’t even know if they wanted to practice law anymore transition into practicing on a scale they couldn’t even imagine…

Let me help you do the same.

Lawyers experience a particular kind of burnout.

The weight of the cases … the stress of the job … the inability to find your balance.

And when you get to that point, it can feel like you’ve tried everything – and nothing has worked.

I get it. I’ve been there.

Eventually, I had to try something different.

I discovered that the stories we’ve lived and the experiences we’ve had can be what holds us back …

But learning to manage those experiences in a healthy way allows us to discover what drives us and bring what we have to the table in a powerful way.

It’s the intersection of Shamanism and Science – the intersection of what’s visible and what’s invisible.

I’ve helped people who didn’t even know if they wanted to practice law anymore transition into practicing on a scale they couldn’t even imagine…

Let me help you do the same.

Winning Teams

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1-on-1 Coaching

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Women Leadership Workshops

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The Hire Process

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Who I Am

I practiced law for 5 years before I reached my burnout point. And then another 20 after that. I knew there had to be another way, and I realized I was being called to something more.

As a lawyer, I understand the inner workings of a law firm. But as a shamanic practitioner, I’ve got additional tools at my disposal.

And as a coach, I provide a holistic approach that takes people and their practice from uninspired to energized… from overwhelmed to empowered… from breakdown to breakthrough.

Lexlee Overton
Executive Coach
and Leadership Expert
Who I Am

I practiced law for 5 years before I reached my burnout point. And then another 20 after that. I knew there had to be another way, and I realized I was being called to something more.

As a lawyer, I understand the inner workings of a law firm. But as a shamanic practitioner, I’ve got additional tools at my disposal.

And as a coach, I provide a holistic approach that takes people and their practice from uninspired to energized… from overwhelmed to empowered… from breakdown to breakthrough.

Lexlee Overton
Executive Coach
and Leadership Expert

"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"

~ Mary Oliver



Mindful Meditation for Attorneys & Entrepreneurs – with Lexlee Overton

Soul Roadmap Podcast –  How One Habit Can Transform Your Life with Lawyer & Coach Lexlee Overton

How it works:

Step 1

Schedule a free discovery call with me.

Step 2

We’ll talk about where you and/or your team are and where you want to go.

Step 3

I’ll follow up with a customized plan to help you live and work more purposefully, joyfully and successfully.

Once we learn the best way to manage our energy and ourselves, we can better interact with others – and those skills extend far beyond the confines of the workplace.

Are you ready to get started?

Schedule a Free Discovery Call with Lexlee

"This year, I was able to meet and create long-term relationships with some of the best women lawyers in the country. I’m a better lawyer and leader from the work I’ve done with Lexlee, and I am so excited for the next year."

~ Jacqui FordOklahoma Trial Lawyer
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